Downside of Using Woke Jargons for Hindu Narrative

Whenever I oppose the attempt of Hindus to be a participant in the identity politics madness of Western world which emanates from the fusion of theories and concepts emerging from the broad fields of Literary Theories, Postcolonial Studies and Postmodernism, I get a predictable response along the line of turning the existing concepts on theirContinue reading “Downside of Using Woke Jargons for Hindu Narrative”

Feminism, Intersectionality and Transgender Movement

In recent days, I had made many satirical tweets couched in the language of transgender politics and as expected, European feminists descended on my timeline to call me misogynist who was taking away women’s rights. The result was along the expected lines and it was the primary reason why I had made those tweets. ThoughContinue reading “Feminism, Intersectionality and Transgender Movement”

The Economic ‘Non-Logic’ of Reservation for Locals in Private Sector

The socialist paradise of India doesn’t leave any stone unturned in destroying the businesses and labour market because it believes that it can change the rules of Economics by political maneuvering because such attempts often bring vote. The latest entrant in this field is M L Khattar whose government has brought the law to provideContinue reading “The Economic ‘Non-Logic’ of Reservation for Locals in Private Sector”